Drop Radio
A trippy web-based music visualizer powered by p5.js.
As a graduate student at Savannah College of Art and Design, I was tasked with improving on an existing project in the Portfolio course. I chose to redo an audio visualizer I made towards the beginning of my graduate education and port it to the web so it could be easily accessed by anyone.
Setting Up Audio
To make the audio data more easily usable across the visualization, an Audio
class was created to act as a wrapper with a variety of static
functions, accessors and mutators. Rather than passing around an instance of an Audio
object, having a single manager of all the data allowed for the graphical and UI elements to be able to influence the audio from a single source.
When an audio file is dragged onto the screen, its loading is handled by Audio.setup(file)
. Any file that is not an audio file will result in nothing occurring.
// sketch.js
The listener that handles what happens when the user drops an audio file into the sketch.
- file:p5.File, the file the user dropped in the sketch.
function fileDropped(file) {
if (file.type === "audio") {
Audio.setup(file, onAudioLoad, whileAudioLoading);
// Audio.js
Handles the loading of the audio file.
- file:p5.File, the audio file being loaded.
- onLoad:function, the callback for when the file loads.
- whileLoading:function, the callback for the duration of the files loading.
static setup(file, onLoad, whileLoading) {
if (Audio._file) Audio._file.stop();
Audio._file = loadSound(file, onLoad, Audio.handleError, whileLoading);
For the audio data itself, static
accessors were created to allow other parts of the visualization to utilize the data. All the data comes from a private Audio._fft
property which analyzes the audio each frame and the private Audio._peakDetect
property which listens for when the audio is on a beat.
// Audio.js
// Updates the analyzer and peak detection.
static update() {
// Returns the energy level of the treble.
static get treble() {
return Audio._fft.getEnergy("treble");
// Returns the energy level of the high mids.
static get highMid() {
return Audio._fft.getEnergy("highMid");
// Returns the energy level of the mids.
static get mid() {
return Audio._fft.getEnergy("mid");
// Returns the energy level of the low mids.
static get lowMid() {
return Audio._fft.getEnergy("lowMid");
// Returns the energy level of the bass.
static get bass() {
return Audio._fft.getEnergy("bass");
// Checks if the audio is on a beat.
static get isPeakDetected() {
return Audio._peakDetect.isDetected;
The Audio._file
private property is used to handle playback, volume and panning of the audio file.
// Audio.js
// Handles playing the audio.
static play() {
// Handles pausing the audio file.
static pause() {
// If the audio is paused, it plays it and visa versa.
static toggle() {
if (Audio.isPlaying) {
} else {
// Stops and cleans up the audio file.
static stop() {
Audio._file = null;
// Jumps the audio to a new location.
static jump(cueTime) {
Audio._file.jump(cueTime, Audio.duration - cueTime);
// Returns if audio is loaded.
static get loaded() {
return Audio._file && Audio._file.isLoaded();
// Returns the current time of the audio file in seconds.
static get currentTime() {
return Audio._file && Audio._file.currentTime();
// Returns the duration of the audio in seconds.
static get duration() {
return Audio._file && Audio._file.duration();
// Returns whether or not the audio is playing.
static get isPlaying() {
return Audio._file && Audio._file.isPlaying();
// Shifts the audio from left-to-right.
static set pan(value) {
if (Audio._file) Audio._file.pan(value);
// Returns the left-to-right pan from -1 to 1.
static get pan() {
if (Audio._file) return Audio._file.getPan();
else return 0;
// Sets the loudness of the audio.
static set volume(value) {
Audio._volume = value;
// Returns the loudness of the audio.
static get volume() {
return Audio._volume;
Audio-Driven Line Art
Whenever a beat is detected, the visualizer creates a number of Line
instances based on the energy level of Audio.bass
or Audio.treble
(whichever is higher). Once the Line
instance fades out, it is removed from the visualization.
// sketch.js
function drawLines() {
// For each line, draw them. If the opacity of the line is less than 1%, remove the line.
let length = lines.length;
for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
const line = lines[i];
if (line.opacity <= 2.55) {
lines[i] = null;
lines.splice(i, 1);
length = lines.length;
// If there is a beat detected, create new lines.
if (Audio.isPeakDetected) {
// The number of lines is driven by the bass or the treble (whichever is higher).
const bass = Math.floor(map(Audio.bass, 0, 255, 0, 5));
const treble = Math.floor(map(Audio.treble, 0, 255, 0, 5));
const usedValue = Audio.treble > Audio.bass ? treble : bass;
// A position vector is created then shared to lines are created in the same spot.
const position = createVector(
random(0, windowWidth),
random(0, windowHeight)
// New lines are created based on the intensity of the treble or bass.
for (let i = 0; i < usedValue; i++) {
const line = new Line();
line.pointA = new Point();
line.pointA.position = createVector(
position.x + random(0, map(usedValue, 0, 5, 0, 100)),
position.y + random(0, map(usedValue, 0, 5, 0, 100))
line.pointB = new Point();
line.pointB.position = createVector(
position.x + random(0, map(usedValue, 0, 5, -100, 0)),
position.y + random(0, map(usedValue, 0, 5, -100, 0))
The Point
class acts as a wrapper for the p5.Vector
that also includes velocity
and acceleration
data which are influenced by various energy levels of the audio data.
// Point.js
// Each end of the lines that make up the visualization aesthetic.
class Point extends Graphics {
// The speed the point is moving at.
_velocity = null;
// The change in the speed of the point over time.
_acceleration = null;
// Updates the velocity and position of the points.
draw() {
// Sets the speed at which the point moves. If none is set, one is assigned.
set velocity(value) {
if (this._velocity) {
} else {
this._velocity = value;
// Sets the change in speed over time. If none is set, one is assigned.
set acceleration(value) {
if (this._acceleration) {
} else {
this._acceleration = value;
// Line.js
// When setting the first point in the line, the velocity and acceleration are also set up.
set pointA(value) {
this._pointA = value;
// The velocity has a 50% chance of being positive or negative. The x and y are influenced by the treble and low mids.
const speedPositive = random(0, 1) > 0.5;
this._pointA.velocity = createVector(
speedPositive ? 0 : -Line.speed,
speedPositive ? Line.speed : 0
speedPositive ? 0 : -Line.speed,
speedPositive ? Line.speed : 0
// The acceleration also has a 50% chance of being positive or negative. The x and y are influenced by high mids and mids.
const accelerationPositive = random(0, 1) > 0.5;
this._pointA.acceleration = createVector(
accelerationPositive ? 0 : -Line.acceleration,
accelerationPositive ? Line.acceleration : 0
accelerationPositive ? 0 : -Line.acceleration,
accelerationPositive ? Line.acceleration : 0
// This is the same as the setter for pointA but with the treble/lowMid and highMid/mid reversed.
set pointB(value) {
this._pointB = value;
this._pointB.velocity = createVector(
map(Audio.highMid, 0, 255, -Line.speed, Line.speed),
map(Audio.mid, 0, 255, -Line.speed, Line.speed)
this._pointB.acceleration = createVector(
map(Audio.treble, 0, 255, -Line.acceleration, Line.acceleration),
map(Audio.lowMid, 0, 255, -Line.acceleration, Line.acceleration)
Each new Line
created is drawn to a graphics buffer (graphics
). This is so that the background of the UI can be redrawn each frame while the graphics buffer’s background is not, allowing for a more trippy artistic effect.
// Line.js
Renders the lines to the graphics buffer.
- graphics:p5.Element: The graphics buffer the lines are drawn to.
draw(graphics) {
- If a beat is detected and the line has not already been influenced, randomly rotate and scale the line.
- Otherwise, decrease all the values.
if (Audio.isPeakDetected && !this._beatInfluenced) {
this.rotation = random(-PI, PI);
this.scale = random(1, 1.5);
this._beatInfluenced = true;
} else {
this._strokeWeight =
this._strokeWeight < 0.001 ? 0.001 : this._strokeWeight * 0.99;
this.rotation *= 0.99;
this.scale = this.scale < 1 ? 1 : this.scale * 0.99;
// Update all the values as they are changed.
this._primaryColor.setAlpha(lerp(0, 1, this._opacity));
lerpColor(this._primaryColor, this._secondaryColor, this._color)
//Transforms the line.
graphics.translate(this._pointA.position.x, this._pointA.position.y);
this._pointA.position.x - this._pointB.position.x,
this._pointA.position.y - this._pointB.position.y
// Each point uses Euler physics and thus needs to be updated once per frame.
//The color and opacity values are decreased each frame.
this._opacity *= 0.99;
this._color *= 1.01;
if (this._color > 1) this.color = 1;
// sketch.js
// One of p5.js's built-in functions. Is called once at the start of each frame.
function draw() {
// By default, the background is black.
// If the audio is loaded, draw the buffered graphics as an image as well as the user interface elements.
if (Audio.loaded) {
// The lines stored in the graphics buffer are drawn as a background image.
image(graphics, 0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight);
// continued..
The UI Elements
There are 5 UI elements in the visualization: PlayBar
, PanControl
, PlayButton
, StopButton
and VolumeBar
. Each are subclasses of the Graphics
class which manages the transformation data of each element.
// The base class for all the renderable objects.
class Graphics {
// The location of the object.
_position = null;
// The scaling of the object.
scale = 1;
// The rotation of the object.
rotation = 0;
// Returns a copy of the position if it exists, otherwise returns null.
get position() {
if (this._position) {
return this._position.copy();
} else return this._position;
// If the position is already a vector, it will be set to the new vector. Otherwise, a new vector is created.
set position(value) {
if (this._position) {
} else {
this._position = value;
If the user clicks on the circle in the PlayBar
, then can drag-and-drop it to a new location and the song will jump to that location.
// PlayBar.js
// Handles the dragging of the circle across the play bar.
_handleInteraction() {
if (mouseButton === LEFT && this._clicked) {
this._circleX = mouseX;
// Clamps the x value of the circle between the ends of the bar.
if (this._circleX > this._position.x + this.width / 2) {
this._circleX = this._position.x + this.width / 2;
} else if (this._circleX < this._position.x - this.width / 2) {
this._circleX = this._position.x - this.width / 2;
// Handles what happens after the circle has been clicked then released.
handleReleased() {
// Skips the audio relative to where the circle was released on the bar.
this._position.x - this.width / 2,
this._position.x + this.width / 2,
this._interactionHandled = true;
The VolumeBar
works in a very similar manner with the _circleY
value being mapped to Audio.volume
// VolumeBar.js
// If the circle is being clicked, the user can drag it up and down the bar.
_handleInteraction() {
if (mouseButton === LEFT && this._clicked) {
this._circleY = mouseY;
// Clamps the y position to the tops and bottoms of the bar.
if (this._circleY > this._position.y + this.height / 2) {
this._circleY = this._position.y + this.height / 2;
} else if (this._circleY < this._position.y - this.height / 2) {
this._circleY = this._position.y - this.height / 2;
// Maps the volume to the new location on the slider.
Audio.volume = map(
this._position.y - this.height / 2,
this._position.y + this.height / 2,
The StopButton
and PlayButton
both use axis-aligned bounding box collision detection to check if they are being clicked on and performs their functions if they are.
// PlayButton.js
// If the button has been clicked, the audio is toggled between paused and played.
handleClick() {
if (mouseX < this._left) return;
if (mouseX > this._right) return;
if (mouseY < this._top) return;
if (mouseY > this._bottom) return;
this._paused = !this._paused;
// StopButton.js
// If the button has been clicked, the audio is unloaded.
handleClick() {
if (mouseX < this._left) return false;
if (mouseX > this._right) return false;
if (mouseY < this._top) return false;
if (mouseY > this._bottom) return false;
return true;
The PanControl
also has mouse interaction. By dragging the mouse from left-to-right, the user can control the panning of the audio as well as rotate the knob.
// PanControl.js
// If the mouse is over the pan control and clicked, the audio is panned based on the rotation.
_handleInteraction() {
if (mouseButton === LEFT && this._clicked) {
this.rotation = map(
this._position.x - this._size,
this._position.x + this._size,
Audio.pan = map(this.rotation, -HALF_PI, HALF_PI, -1.0, 1.0);
if (this.rotation < -HALF_PI) this.rotation = -HALF_PI;
else if (this.rotation > HALF_PI) this.rotation = HALF_PI;